We will continue to provide high quality products with more solid technology and more flexible ideas for more people to use our ironworking technology which will correspond to the changes of the times and the diversity of daily life.
オーダーメイド製作 Made-to-order production
In addition to our existing large product manufacturing, we are now offering consultation from companies as well as general customers on repairing various steel tools for construction work, repairing agricultural equipment, and processing custom-made products such as wheelchairs for dogs.

馬運車 Horse-drawn carriage
We recently developed and manufactured a “special vehicle” for transporting racehorse as one of the manufacturers. It was a special vehicle that was filled with our own unique ideas and materials which had not been used in any racehorse transporter before. The manufacturing of this vehicle has drawn widespread attention and covered by media such as newspapers and television.

タンク容器 Tank containers

Design and manufacture of industrial stainless steel tanks, SUS tanks, vessels and pressure vessels.
その他 Other
- エレベーターの乗場や昇降設備用鉄鋼部品の設計から製作。
- 環境改善に使用される排ガス触媒容器、水処理設備用塔槽類などの設備容器の製作。
- 排砂ロボットや鋼製角落し(水門)など発電所関連設備の製作や保守
- Manufacturing catalysis vessels, water tank tower which is used for environmental improvement
- We manufacture a wide range of stainless steel products such as sand cleaning robots and iron gates used for power plants.

Patents・Utility model rights・Design rights・Trademark rights
Patents | 特許権気液接触型空気清浄器 Gas-liquid contact type air purifier 円錐セル型スクラバーとこれを利用した空気清浄器 Conical cell type scrubber and air purifier using the conical cell type scrubber ギアポンプを使用したショットブラスト装置 Shot blasting equipment using gear pumps 円筒型磁石付き気液接触型空気清浄器 Gas-liquid contact air cleaner with cylindrical magnet バックフィルター付きサイクロン cyclone bag filter 活性炭またはセラミックのいずれかまたは両方を混合した酵素風呂 Enzyme baths with activated carbon or ceramics or a mixture of both 水流揚力回転発電装置 Water flow lift rotary power generator |
Utility model rights | 実用新案権飲料水磁化シェーカー Auto Magnetic Shaker for drinking water 押し出し式麺類製造機 Noodle extruder machine パドル型回転翼水流発電機 Blade paddle wheel generator 翼型羽根板の揚力を利用する水平式揚力回転発電装置 Horizontal generator using the lift of airfoil 切り取りカレンダー Tear off calendars ジンクリッチペイント用循環スプレーガン Circulating spray gun for zinc-rich paint |
Design rights | 意匠権飲料水磁化シェーカー Drinking water magnetizing shaker |
商標権 Trademark rights | 篠田鉄工(株) ロゴマーク SHINODA IRON WORKS Co., Ltd. Logo mark |